We ARE fortunate to work with many wonderful partners who do important work along the Tigris. To continue following the STORY of the river, AND TO LEARN HOW TO HELP, visit the following organisations:
Humat Dijlah - the Tigris River Protectors Association, founded by Salman Khairalla and Ali Al-Kharkhi - is an Iraqi non-governmental organization that seeks to protect the natural heritage of the Tigris River in Iraq, and those who live in its watershed. They do incredible work on the ground, all along the river, and we were proud to partner with them.
Waterkeepers Iraq is a non-governmental organization that aims to protect the water sources throughout Iraq.
Waterkeepers are advocates and voices for the protection the rivers and waterways of Tigris-Euphrates Basin. We were fortunate to have Nabil Musa and his team as advisors and companions.
Safina Projects is a creative studio that works to protect and revive the endangered craft heritage of Iraq, particularly its ancient boats, through art and cultural research projects that engage the public in Iraq and internationally. Rashad Salim and Hannah Lewis were invaluable advisors for our journey.
Nahrein Network conducts interdisciplinary research on sustainable development of Iraqi history and heritage. They are based out of University College London.
Nature Iraq is an Iraqi non-governmental organization registered in Iraq and Kurdistan Region, accredited to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Iraq’s first and only Affiliate to BirdLife International, and the only Middle Eastern member of the Waterkeeper Alliance. Founder and CEO Azzam Alwash provided a lot of valuable input for our mission.
Our journey along the Tigris was possible because of the support of the Amersi Foundation. The Amersi Foundation, created by philanthropist Mohamed Amersi and his family, tirelessly supports causes relating to education, poverty, conflict and social cohesion. Mohamed was an early believer in the value of this journey, and we could not have done it without his tireless effort.
We were also supported by the Abraham Path Initiative, with whom I am proud to have worked for many years. You can see the projects that they support here, one of which is the Zagros Mountain Trail – the first long-distance walking trail in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Wounded Tigris is published in the UK by Corsair, who are an imprint of Little, Brown Book Group. I’m really proud to work with them, and with my editor James Gurbutt who helped bring this story to life.